Beverage Information Group

2019 Distilled Spirits Historical Consumption File

$ 356,896.00
The Distilled Spirits Historical Consumption File is a year-by-year compilation of all the brand-level consumption data as published in the Liquor Handbooks from 1980 to 2018.  That's 39 years of brand-level consumption data in a single, easy to use MS-Excel file.  The data is presented in 000s of 9-Liter case.  Metrics include Brand name, Sub-category, Supplier, Domestic/import, County of original, and consumption by year.  Sub-categories include: Blends, Brandy & Cognac, Canadian Whisky, Cocktails, Prepared, Cordials & Liqueurs, Gin, Irish Whiskey, Rum, Scotch Whisky, Straight Whiskey, Tequila, Vodka.