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Climate Change is a Complex, Important, and Political Issue Among Powersports Enthusiasts

Climate Change is a Complex, Important, and Political Issue Among Powersports Enthusiasts

Tristin Burdick | March 23, 2023


EPG Specialty Information recently conducted a study that identifies the attitudes and perceptions of powersports consumers on environmental issues. The study included over 500 respondents and revealed that the words most associated with climate change are “political, complex, important, natural, and crisis”. Interestingly, both those who are and are not most concerned with environmental issues, attributed the words “political” and “complex” as their top 5 associations with climate change.

This suggests that powersport enthusiasts may be worried about how political decisions and regulations related to climate change could impact their ability to enjoy their activities. They may also recognize that climate change is a highly complex issue that involves many factors and may require complex solutions.

In light of these findings, it is important for companies in the powersports industry to focus on environmentally friendly products rather than just products that do not contribute to climate change. While it is important to minimize the environmental impact of powersports activities, it is also important to recognize the complexity of the issue and the political considerations involved.

Companies should work to develop environmentally friendly products that can appeal to both environmentally-conscious and not-so-conscious customers. They should also work to educate their customers on the importance of environmentalism and the role that powersports enthusiasts can play in protecting the environment.

In summary, the survey's insights demonstrate that climate change is a complex, important, and political issue among powersports enthusiasts. Companies in the powersports industry should focus on environmentally friendly products and work to educate their customers on the importance of environmentalism. By doing so, they can help to ensure that powersports activities are sustainable for years to come.

about the author

Tristin Burdick

Research Analyst, EPG Specialty Information

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